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Version: v5


The tag parameter is now available on Describe, Context and It and it is possible to filter tags on any level. You can then use -TagFilter and -ExcludeTagFilter to run just the tests that you want.

Here you can see an example of a test suite that has acceptance tests and unit tests. Some of the tests are slow, some are flaky, and some only work on Linux. Pester makes running all reliable Windows-compatible acceptance tests as simple as:

Invoke-Pester $path -TagFilter "Acceptance" -ExcludeTagFilter "Flaky", "Slow", "LinuxOnly"
Describe "Get-Beer" {

Context "acceptance tests" -Tag "Acceptance" {

It "acceptance test 1" -Tag "Slow", "Flaky" {
1 | Should -Be 1

It "acceptance test 2" {
1 | Should -Be 1

It "acceptance test 3" -Tag "WindowsOnly" {
1 | Should -Be 1

It "acceptance test 4" -Tag "Slow" {
1 | Should -Be 1

It "acceptance test 5" -Tag "LinuxOnly" {
1 | Should -Be 1

Context "unit tests" {

It "unit test 1" {
1 | Should -Be 1

It "unit test 2" -Tag "LinuxOnly" {
1 | Should -Be 1

Starting test discovery in 1 files.
Discovering tests in ...\real-life-tagging-scenarios.tests.ps1.
Found 7 tests. 482ms
Test discovery finished. 800ms

Running tests from '...\real-life-tagging-scenarios.tests.ps1'
Describing Get-Beer
Context acceptance tests
[+] acceptance test 2 50ms (29ms|20ms)
[+] acceptance test 3 42ms (19ms|23ms)
Tests completed in 1.09s
Tests Passed: 2, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0, Total: 7, NotRun: 5

Tags use wildcards​

The tags are now also compared as -like wildcards, so you don't have to spell out the whole tag if you can't remember it. This is especially useful when you are running tests locally:

Invoke-Pester $path -ExcludeTagFilter "Accept*", "*nuxonly" | Out-Null
Starting test discovery in 1 files.
Discovering tests in ...\real-life-tagging-scenarios.tests.ps1.
Found 7 tests. 59ms
Test discovery finished. 97ms

Running tests from '...\real-life-tagging-scenarios.tests.ps1'
Describing Get-Beer
Context Unit tests
[+] unit test 1 15ms (7ms|8ms)
Tests completed in 269ms
Tests Passed: 1, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0, Total: 7, NotRun: 6